The crucial importance of hydration to take care of your face

L'importance cruciale de l'hydratation pour prendre soin de votre visage
Water, the main constituent of our body, is not only what makes us up, but also what we need to stay healthy. Regularly renewing our water reserves is essential to maintain optimal hydration, both in our body and – as you will discover in this article – in our skin.

Our skin constantly loses moisture through transepidermal water loss, a process in which moisture evaporates from the skin's surface. It is therefore crucial to actively replenish lost water in order to maintain optimal hydration of the skin.

The skin, representing about fifteen percent of the total body mass, is our largest organ and the main barrier between our interior and the outside world. It has a remarkable ability to take care of itself and to support certain functions of our organism. However, it is essential to provide him with adequate support by ensuring sufficient sleep, a balanced diet and a suitable facial care program.

The skin is made up of three main layers: the epidermis (the thinnest and outermost layer), the dermis (composed of tough and flexible connective tissue, sebaceous glands and sweat glands) and the hypodermis (or subcutaneous tissue, the underlying thick layer of skin containing fat cells). When it comes to taking care of our face, the epidermis is our priority, as it ensures the renewal and protection of the skin. The epidermis itself is made up of five layers, and it is the outer layer, called the "stratum corneum", that gives the skin its remarkable barrier properties.

The "stratum corneum" is like a brick wall, where the skin cells, called "corneocytes", are the bricks and the lipid-rich film is the mortar. This unique structure allows the stratum corneum to effectively play its role as a barrier, provided it is constantly maintained by a nourishing, fortifying and moisturizing facial care program.

To obtain optimal hydration, our objective is twofold: to retain water in dehydrated skin and to reinforce the hydration of dry skin. The choice between nourishing or hydrating, that is to say providing lipids or water to our skin, will depend on our environment and our skin type.

Many factors influence the health of our skin. As the first line of defense against our environment, our skin is constantly exposed to the sun's UV rays, weather conditions, air quality and seasonal changes. In addition to this, our skin type, diet and lifestyle also play an important role. It is therefore essential to take care of our skin and give it all the attention it deserves.

Sufficient sleep, a balanced diet and adequate hydration by drinking enough water are daily habits that help nourish and hydrate our skin from the inside. At the same time, a well-thought-out facial care program, adapted to our skin type and our environment, is essential to promote hydration of the skin from the outside.

To develop such a program, it is important to start by identifying your skin type. Although the terms "dehydrated" and "dry" are often used interchangeably, they actually have very different meanings for our skin.